Your gift to me........

Created by Golda 2 months ago

..........Initially you were a patient of mine, then you learned from me of my fear of dentists. You asked me to give you a try ( I did have toothache). With as much courage as I could muster I arrived at your surgery, and never left.... You were amazing, yes, I was shaking, but from that day, over thirty years ago I continued to keep my appointments!! I can hear your voice saying - ' you can relax now Golda, the worst is over'. Well I'm different now, thanks to you John.

I never thought for one moment you would go before me, you were the same age as my son's. Thank you John, for all your care and attention, I trusted you implicitly . I will truly miss you, your fun spirit, your ability to take as well as give 'tongue-in-the cheek' humour.

Rest now, without the worries of life......